The Third RSPO-certified Independent Smallholders in Indonesia is GAPOKTAN Sapta Tunggal Mandiri.
The group started the process of certification in 2015 and finally obtained RSPO certificate in 16 June 2016, Certificate no.
GAPOKTAN Sapta Tunggal Mandiri is located in Tania Makmur/SP5A Village, Lempung Jaya Sub-District, Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia.
There are 2,700 farmers with 5,500 ha of oil palm plantations in this group certification.
The GAPOKTAN consists of 7 farmer groups: Bumi Jaya/SP1, Patwa Usaha Mandiri/SP2, Tunggal Mulya/SP3, Sinar Sawit Bahagia/SP4, Dwi Tunggal/SP5a &5b, Tani Mandiri/SP6, and Maju Jaya/SP7.