Archive for the ‘Course’ Category
Regarding supervision of student, I announce to students of Agribusiness Department that the research topics I would like to supervise are related to Oil PalmĀ (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) as the following:
A. Negative Externalities
1. Biodiversity loss
2. Deforestation
3. Displacement of people
4. Exploitation of smallholders
5. Food security
6. Forest and land fires
7. GHG Emisions
8. Land use conflicts
9. Peatlands
10. Working conditions in oil palm plantations
B. Positive Externalities
1. Contribution to economic growth
2. Job creation opportunity
3. Foreign exchange earnings
4. Farmer livelihood (farm income/household income)
5. Promoting rural development
6. Reduce poverty and ensuring social security
7. Biodiesel
C. Other topics related to oil palm and palm oil
1. Smallholder empowerment / capacity building (farmer/organisation)
2. Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
3. Best Management Practices (BMP)
4. Market structure and price
5. The role of government, laws & regulations, and public governance
6. Palm oil supply chains and the inclusion of smallholders in palm oil supply chain
7. Smallholders challenges and access related to information, inputs, finance, market, and infrastructure.
8. GHG emission in estate crops
9. Gender issues in oil palm plantation
Thank you for your attention.
Pekanbaru, 10 Maret 2017
Kind regards,
Ir. Sakti Hutabarat, MAgrEcon
NIP. 19640428 198803 1 003