Archive for November, 2016

1. To stop using natural forest areas for oil palm plantations.
2. To stop using peatland areas for oil palm plantations.
3. To stop using high conservation value areas for oil palm plantations
4. To stop using high carbon stock areas for oil palm plantations.
5. To prevent biodiversity loss.
6. To prohibit use of fire in oil palm plantations.
7. To ensure the right to use land for oil palm plantations.
8. To ensure compliance with laws and regulations (e.g. SHM, STD-B, and SPPL).
9. To impede land degradation.
10.To conserve ground and surface water.
11.To minimize water and air pollutions.
12.To mitigate GHG emission.
13.To apply good agricaltural practices
14.To obtain high productivity of palm trees.
15.To produce high quality of FFBs.
16.To improve farm profits and farmers’ income from oil palm plantations.
17.To improve the welfare of farmers and rural community.


To achieve sustainable oil palm production through its supply chains which are technically-available, environmentally-friendly, socially-acceptable, and economically viable and to promote better quality of life for farmers and their community.

There are at least 3 smallholder groups in the process to obtain RSPO certification.

  1. Forum Petani Swadaya Merlung Renah at Tanjung Jabung Barat District, Jambi Province, Indonesia
  2. Asosiasi Petani Sawit Swadaya Mandiri at Kuansing District, Riau Province, Indonesia.
  3. GAPOKTAN Kopau Jaya at Kuansing District, Riau Province, Indonesia.

The Third RSPO-certified Independent Smallholders in Indonesia is GAPOKTAN Sapta Tunggal Mandiri.

The group started the process of certification in 2015 and finally obtained RSPO certificate in 16 June 2016, Certificate no.

GAPOKTAN Sapta Tunggal Mandiri is located in Tania Makmur/SP5A Village, Lempung Jaya Sub-District, Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia.

There are 2,700 farmers with 5,500 ha of oil palm plantations in this group certification.

The GAPOKTAN consists of 7 farmer groups: Bumi Jaya/SP1, Patwa Usaha Mandiri/SP2, Tunggal Mulya/SP3, Sinar Sawit Bahagia/SP4, Dwi Tunggal/SP5a &5b, Tani Mandiri/SP6, and Maju Jaya/SP7.

November 2016
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