Regarding supervision of student, I announce to students of Agribusiness Department that the research topics I would like to supervise are related to Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) as the following:

A. Negative Externalities
1. Biodiversity loss
2. Deforestation
3. Displacement of people
4. Exploitation of smallholders
5. Food security
6. Forest and land fires
7. GHG Emisions
8. Land use conflicts
9. Peatlands
10. Working conditions in oil palm plantations

B. Positive Externalities
1. Contribution to economic growth
2. Job creation opportunity
3. Foreign exchange earnings
4. Farmer livelihood (farm income/household income)
5. Promoting rural development
6. Reduce poverty and ensuring social security
7. Biodiesel

C. Other topics related to oil palm and palm oil
1. Smallholder empowerment / capacity building (farmer/organisation)
2. Good Agricultural Practices (GAP)
3. Best Management Practices (BMP)
4. Market structure and price
5. The role of government, laws & regulations, and public governance
6. Palm oil supply chains and the inclusion of smallholders in palm oil supply chain
7. Smallholders challenges and access related to information, inputs, finance, market, and infrastructure.
8. GHG emission in estate crops
9. Gender issues in oil palm plantation

Thank you for your attention.

Pekanbaru, 10 Maret 2017
Kind regards,

Ir. Sakti Hutabarat, MAgrEcon
NIP. 19640428 198803 1 003

1. To stop using natural forest areas for oil palm plantations.
2. To stop using peatland areas for oil palm plantations.
3. To stop using high conservation value areas for oil palm plantations
4. To stop using high carbon stock areas for oil palm plantations.
5. To prevent biodiversity loss.
6. To prohibit use of fire in oil palm plantations.
7. To ensure the right to use land for oil palm plantations.
8. To ensure compliance with laws and regulations (e.g. SHM, STD-B, and SPPL).
9. To impede land degradation.
10.To conserve ground and surface water.
11.To minimize water and air pollutions.
12.To mitigate GHG emission.
13.To apply good agricaltural practices
14.To obtain high productivity of palm trees.
15.To produce high quality of FFBs.
16.To improve farm profits and farmers’ income from oil palm plantations.
17.To improve the welfare of farmers and rural community.


To achieve sustainable oil palm production through its supply chains which are technically-available, environmentally-friendly, socially-acceptable, and economically viable and to promote better quality of life for farmers and their community.

There are at least 3 smallholder groups in the process to obtain RSPO certification.

  1. Forum Petani Swadaya Merlung Renah at Tanjung Jabung Barat District, Jambi Province, Indonesia
  2. Asosiasi Petani Sawit Swadaya Mandiri at Kuansing District, Riau Province, Indonesia.
  3. GAPOKTAN Kopau Jaya at Kuansing District, Riau Province, Indonesia.

The Third RSPO-certified Independent Smallholders in Indonesia is GAPOKTAN Sapta Tunggal Mandiri.

The group started the process of certification in 2015 and finally obtained RSPO certificate in 16 June 2016, Certificate no.

GAPOKTAN Sapta Tunggal Mandiri is located in Tania Makmur/SP5A Village, Lempung Jaya Sub-District, Ogan Komering Ilir District, South Sumatera Province, Indonesia.

There are 2,700 farmers with 5,500 ha of oil palm plantations in this group certification.

The GAPOKTAN consists of 7 farmer groups: Bumi Jaya/SP1, Patwa Usaha Mandiri/SP2, Tunggal Mulya/SP3, Sinar Sawit Bahagia/SP4, Dwi Tunggal/SP5a &5b, Tani Mandiri/SP6, and Maju Jaya/SP7.

The Second RSPO-certified Independent Smallholders in Indonesia is GAPOKTAN Tanjung Sehati.

The group started the process of certification in 2009 and finally obtained RSPO certificate in 18 June 2014, Certificate no. 824 502 14001.

GAPOKTAN Tanjung Sehati is located in Mekar Jaya Village, Merangin District, Jambi Province, Indonesia.

There are 227 farmers with 346.57 ha of oil palm plantations in this group certification.

The GAPOKTAN consists of 6 farmer groups: Sido Mulyo, Sido Makmur, Mandiri Jaya, Sido Maju, Sumber Hasil, and Kemang Jaya.

Challenges toward RSPO certification:

Legal documents:

  1. Land title (land certificate) from BPN.
  2. Business Permit (STD-B) from Regencial Estate Crop Agency.
  3. Statement of Environmental Assessment and Management (SPPL) from Regencial Environmental Agency.
  4. Legality of association (cooperative).

Organization documents:

  1. Organization AD/ART.
  2. Internal policies and standard operating procedures (SOP).
  3. Structure of organization.
  4. Activity, programme, mission and vision.
  5. Data of members, plantation map, land size, year planted, source of plant material.
  6. Data of production, sales, and tonase.
  7. Plantation management (use of fertilizer, pesticide, chemical, etc.).
  8. Waste Management (incl. B3 chemical waste).
  9. Harvesting procedures.
  10. Contracts
  11. Work risk analysis
  12. Environmental Impact Analysis


Setara. 2014. Petani Mandiri; Sudah Waktunya Berubah. Note on GAPOKTAN Tanjung Sehati, Desa Mekar Jaya, Merangin Jambi. Presentation at RSPO Workshop Training of Trainer for Smallholder Facilitator, 27-31 January 2014 Wisma SDM, Jakarta.

World Second Group of RSPO-certified Independent Smallholders
29 August 2013.

The RSPO-certified Independent Smallholders is The Amanah Association of Oil Palm Independent Smallholders.
The Amanah Association consists of
– 349 smallholders
– 763 hectares
– 3 villages (Trimulya Jaya, Air Emas, and Bukit Jaya)
– 3 cooperatives (KUD Bakti, KUD Bina Usaha Baru, and KUD Karya Bersama)
– 10 groups (7 in Trimulya Jaya, 2 in Bukit Jaya, and 1 in Air Emas).

The certification process was supported by Carrefour Foundation International, WWF Indonesia, and PT. Inti Indosawit Subur.

The first RSPO-certified scheme smallholders was the plasma under Asian Agri in year 2010 and 2011.
The latest RSPO-certified plasma was obtained in September 2012.
Asian Agri is one of the world’s largest scheme smallholders in Indonesia.

The plasma were certified with support from:
– The Palm Oil Producers Support Initiative (POPSI)
(a program supported by RSPO and Solidaridad).

RSPO. 2012. Indonesia, salah satu perkebunan plasma kelapa sawit terbesar di dunia yang mendapatkan sertifikat RSPO. Retrieved from Date accessed: 24 March 2016.

Thailand is the first country in the world to have RSPO-certified independent smallholders.
11 Oktober 2012

The group certification comprises of
– 412 smallholders
– over 2,767.33 hectares of planted land
– approximately 52,000 mt of certified sustainable FFB
– an estimated 10,000 mt of certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO).

Smallholders in Thailand
– over 120,000 smallholders who own < 50 ha.
– land sized 4 ha/household
– mainly using household labour
– self-organized, self-managed, and self-financed
– average income 141,134 Thb/hh/yr or (about USD 4,700)


The group certifications are (Patum Vegetable Oil, 2015)

  1. Community Enterprise Group – Suratthani (71 hh, 430.24 ha)
  2. RSPO Tapi-ipun Community Enterprise Group – Suratthani (53 hh, 485.37 ha)
  3. Srichareon Sustainable Oil Palm Production Community Enterprise Group – Krabi (85 hh, 478.48 ha)
  4. RSPO Sichon Community Enterprise Group – Nakorn Sithammarat (55 hh, 187.48 ha)
  5. RSPO Lumnam Kadae Pattana Palm Oil Community Enterprise Group – Suratthani (58 hh, 285.92 ha)
  6. Saikhueng – Bangsawan Community Enterprise Group – Suratthani (245 hh, 1,453.13 ha)
  7. Trang Sustainable Palm Oil Grower Community Enterprise Network – Trang (155 hh, 703.69 ha)
  8. Sustainable Krabi Oil Palm Farmers Cooperatives Federation – Krabi (90 hh, 334.08 ha)


Patum Vegetable Oil. 2015. Enhancing capacity of Thai oil palm partners for sustainable palm oil project. A presentation at Annual INREF SUSPENSE Meeting, 09-13 February 2015, Krabi, Thailand.

Figure 1.  Palm Oil Issues

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